WonderTree among top 11 startups worldwide to win in Google for Startups Accelerator program on SDGs


WonderTree, a Startup from Pakistan Selected for Google for Startups Accelerator program on Sustainable Development Goals

8 April 2020: WonderTree, a Karachi based startup is among eleven businesses from around the world who are the successful applicants of Google’s Accelerator program on Sustainable Development Goals. These startups address a wide range of social and environmental challenges and are working toward at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations.

Following the call for entries, the program received applications from close to 1,200 startups from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. WonderTree is the only startup from Pakistan selected. WonderTree uses augmented reality and machine learning to accelerate cognitive and motor development in children with special needs through a variety of movement-based therapeutic and educational games.

Available in 7 cities across Pakistan, WonderTree engages over 6000 special needs children in 40+ schools. Their flagship product, WonderGames are designed to enable and accelerate development in motor, cognitive, language, and social functions through gamification, bringing joy to the marginalized population of Pakistan. The users are children on the various spectrums of motor and cognitive difficulties which include Autism, Down Syndrome, and Global Development Delay.

WonderTree meets three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN, namely SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all and SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. They are further working on gamifying the Early Childhood Education and Development Curriculum of Pakistan and are working towards spreading their operations in the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa.

The other selected startups are from France, Germany (2), Israel, Kenya (2), Netherlands, Nigeria, and the UK (2).

Each startup will work closely with engineers from over 20 Google teams and other subject matter experts to address product, engineering, business development, and funding challenges. Since this accelerator is focused on sustainability, founders will learn these skills through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals and relevant partners.

WonderGames are available for a free trial download on their website for children with special needs and can be reached on their social media platforms.